Tahini Chicken Lo Mein - Make n Curate
When I am craving something sweet and savory, this is my go to. Dare I say, even a bit comfort food-ish for us Whole30ers. The tahini and coconut amino sauce is the star in this creamy crave-worthy dish. Instead of feeling guilty afterwards and ready to devour more in about a half an hour, like I would with take-out lo mein, I feel completely satisfied and NOT BLOATED with this version. That’s a biggie for me. When I am on Whole30, I feel amazeballzzzz! That’s right, amazing with 4 z’s! No hyperbole here, folks. So anytime I can sneak a little Whole30 into my meal plan, I do. But it can’t be just an average meal that attempts to substitute for a carby craving; it must be crave-worthy itself! Part of the secret with this recipe is the kind of tahini I use. I learned that Michael Solomonov, chef/owner of Philadelphia’s Zahav restaurant uses Soom tahini in his mouth-watering hummus. So, I ordered a jar from Amazon and a couple of short days later, it arrived… and I fell in love. (Try tossing some dates in this stuff for a whole new level.) I get my carrot spirals in the […]