Apple Porridge - Make n Curate
Years ago, I stumbled on Adina Niemerow’s amazing apple porridge recipe after having some random chance encounters with the raw food movement on both coasts. The idea of eating raw was intriguing but I could never pull it off. This recipe, however is quite easy and I’ve incorporated it into my repertoire all these years later. Apple porridge is a delicious and fresh way to start the day. I liken the flavor to a spicy apple pie with a note of citrus. Each ingredient serves a nutritional function and helps to cleanse your system. Its a perfect breakfast recipe for those Whole30ers who are sick of eggs in the am. To make the nuts easier to absorb, soak them overnight before using them in the morning. I use a small food processor to mix all of the ingredients together but use whatever you have on hand. Store the leftovers in the fridge for up to a week. It won’t last that long, though!