Gluten-free Dough (Master Recipe) - Make n Curate
This recipe is an all-purpose gluten-free dough used for baguettes, batards, chibatta, and bagels (just to name a few). This calls for a rather large amount of dough so be sure to have enough room in the fridge for a 5-6 quart storage container. Before starting, you will need to mix up a batch of all-purpose gluten-free flour. This will be the flour you use to make the dough. If you are familiar with traditional gluten bread dough, you may be thrown by the very wet nature of this dough. Don’t worry, just expect to have lots of it stuck to your hands. After a 2 hour rise, the dough is ready to use but I would suggest against using the dough right away. The dough becomes much less sticky, thus easier to work with, once its been refrigerated overnight.