Are you looking to get a jumpstart on your summer goals? Join our Summer Jumpstart Tribe as we push each other from April 1st until Memorial Day Weekend… and beyond!

How does it work?
- You set 1 fitness goal and 1 nutrition goal that you would like to achieve by May 24th, 2019. These goals can be WHATEVER you want them to be.
Here are some examples of fitness goals:
- Train for a 5k
- Train for a marathon
- Lose 10 lbs for bikini season
- Prepare your body for a special event (reunion or wedding)
- Build muscle
- Lose inches
- Build up to working out 5 days a week
- Try CrossFit for 8 weeks
- Try yoga for 8 weeks
- Add strength training to your cardio
Here are some examples of nutritional goals:
- Eat more greens- at least one meal a day
- Double your veggie intake
- Cut out snacking
- Replace unhealthy foods with healthier versions
- Cook more
- Try paleo/Whole30/Keto/Mediterranean “diets”
- Cut out sugar
- Cut out soda
- Make meals that use veggies as the main course
- Morning smoothie challenge
2. You will join the Make n Curate Summer Jumpstart Challenge Facebook group. Once you sign up for the Challenge, you will get a link to our Facebook group in you inbox.
3. You decide whether you want to compete with others or just be there for support and get supported in your goals.
4. What you can expect from the tribe:

5. The Challenge ends May 24th but we encourage you to stay engaged with the tribe and continue on your path to a healthier and happier YOU!
Let’s get started…
- Set your goals. You want these to be achievable in 8 weeks. Be sure to set a FITNESS GOAL and a NUTRITIONAL GOAL. This is the only stipulation we have since fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand.
- Decide whether you want to compete against others (like who does the most workouts, who lost the most weight) or whether you just want to have others support your goals while you support theirs.
- Sign up using your name and email address. This information is never shared with third parties beyond the Make n Curate site. See the Privacy Policy page for more information.
4. Be sure to check your email for the confirmation email. This completes your sign up process.
5. You will receive a link to our Facebook group. Join this group and introduce yourself to the tribe. Feel free to share your goals, or not.
6. Get your butt in gear because this challenge starts soon! April 1st is our Day #1.

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